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Found 31 results

  1. raingod

    UWS PUBG Cash Prize Tournament (DUOs)

    This tournament will provide an opportunity for you and a partner to earn cash in a battle against other UWS members. I will be hosting two separate tournaments, one on December 1 and another on December 2; each tournament consists a total prize pool of $300 USD up for grabs. Match Format: 6 Games played on Custom Server DUO (you must have a partner) TPP and FPP (alternated between each match starting with TPP for match 1) Sanhok Map Match Settings - regular with the exception of a faster blue zone (1.5x) Teams should be on TeamSpeak one hour before tournament to ensure team registration is complete; I like to start the tournament at 1PM EST Prize Pool: First Place - $150 USD Second Place - $100 USD Third Place - $50 USD Rules for Registration: Must be a UWS Member Must be registered with the PUBG Division Must be registered with the UWS Steam Group Active within the UWS Community How to Register Your Team: Send PM to Raingod containing the following information Team Name (Optional) Forum Name and PUBG In-game name for each team member Tournaments days your team will participate; there is another tournament on December 2.
  2. raingod

    UWS PUBG Twitch Event

    Please join us in our UWS Twitch Event. This coming Sunday at 6PM EST. Our UWS Twitch streamers are going to build their 4 man squad teams from UWS existing, new and guest members. If you want to join in the action, then message one of the following streamers to show your interest in joining their team; @CA8OOS3, @TactiTaco @Thanos @raingod @Se7eN @R3D34GL3 I am waiting on a few more streamers to confirm their availability. We will consider having bigger squads and as well allow existing UWS members join the match without teaming up with one of the streamers. Some of the rules; If you are on a team with a streamer, please watch what you say and be respectful Those who participate should follow the streamers to help support them as well You should open the channels and view the streams, we will provide instructions how you can do a multi-stream view on one page and then you minimize your browser Match Format Played on customer server TPP/FPP - this will leave to everyone who joins while setting up the map MAP - depends on how many we get to play UWS members who are not playing are more than welcome to watch the streams. We are doing this to promote UWS and the UWS members who stream, so we need everyone's support.
  3. raingod

    UWS PUBG Twitch Event

    Please join our UWS Twitch Event on Saturday September 29th starting at 6:00 PM EST. This event will allow you to team up with our UWS Streamers and play against other UWS members. Some of the rules; If you are on a team with a streamer, please watch what you say and be respectful Those who participate should follow the streamers to help support them as well Match Format Played on customer server TPP/FPP - this will leave to everyone who joins while setting up the map MAP - depends on how many we get to play This event is open to guests as well, so bring a friend(s) and let them join in on the action! @Trial @Member @ Veteran Member @Legacy Member
  4. https://pubg.op.gg/user/Harmoniq Been losing to this guy and his premades for years, literally. Him and his team basically win 50% of their games, they all have 3+ K/D ratios or way more, is this guy a pro or a cheater? I actually dont see him cheating, when I fight him he seems legit just damned good. Few games ago I was lighting him up his buddy 1 tapped me instantly I dont know how this dude isnt famous if he is this good.
  5. raingod

    UWS PUBG Cash Prize Tournament 2 (DUOs)

    This tournament will provide an opportunity for you and a partner to earn cash in a battle against other UWS members. Match Format: 6 Games played on Custom Server DUO (you must have a partner) TPP and FPP (alternated between each match starting with TPP for match 1) Sanhok Map Match Settings - regular with the exception of a faster blue zone (1.5x) Teams should be on TeamSpeak one hour before tournament to ensure team registration is complete; I like to start the tournament at 1PM EST Prize Pool: First Place - $150 USD Second Place - $100 USD Third Place - $50 USD Rules for Registration: Must be a UWS Member Must be registered with the PUBG Division Must be registered with the UWS Steam Group Active within the UWS Community How to Register Your Team: Send PM to Raingod containing the following information Team Name (Optional) Forum Name and PUBG In-game name for each team member Tournaments days your team will participate; there is another tournament on December 1.
  6. How does one obtain such awards? I have a lot of tournament experience and invite only events also https://portal.xpulz.com/profile/excal1bur
  7. Today I was very lucky
  8. All drivers, and hardware up to date running an i7 6700k, 16 G RAM, 1080 ti , all liquid cooled. While playing PUBG game crashes 2-3x per game with "Bad module info error " any ideas to fix it ?
  9. Diamondman1975

    15 aressted

    Fifteen people suspected of developing and selling hacking programs affecting PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds have been arrested and fined a combined total of $5.1m, developer Bluehole has announced.
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NlQBz_Pv-Q Sad Death.mp4 Bike recking me .mp4
  11. SeondFallen

    Just downloaded PubG

    Hey guys and gals. I have finally downloaded a game that has been on my wish list for a year lol. Normally play Bf1 with everyone here and Planetside 2 with some rl friends but I am sooo ready to jump in and play with y'all. I know I'm not gonna be very good starting out but I hope to squad up and play some.
  12. Are you playing a lot of Fortnite or is it PUBG? Which one is your go to game for a few months now?and why?
  13. Hi guys, have you encounter while playing you are suddenly stopped and you cannot control it? But you can do Map and Inventory. I've encountered this 3x already. I don't know what's the problem, but I'm sure this happens after the patch.
  14. Killy

    PUBG -Help-

    A friend of mine needs some help. When we load in to a match his screen stays on the loading screen. He can move, eject from plane, and hear the in-game sound. Does anyone know how to solve this issue? Any assistance is greatly appreciated.
  15. Dinner on new map. Didnt record the game, but new replay seems to work fairly well if you ever miss recording a good game Replay does currently have a bug that makes weapons fire a shot right after reloading. FYI Im not doing that, seems like a bad idea
  16. Me and Bikes take the last building in circle and clean house. https://youtu.be/wbq9y3Bmijw
  17. Boggles3

    Easy Solo Dinner

    One of those easy street solo games where everyone back is turned.
  18. It is official, they are releasing the vaulting and climbing capabilities on the test server next week; http://steamcommunity.com/games/578080/announcements/detail/1460716231303174412 This is going to change the game dynamics...would like a new map with this change, that would be nice too.

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United We Stand

United We Stand started in 2003 under the name Stars and Stripes. Our community has over 16 years of experience within the Battlefield franchise. Now, our community supports a diverse selection of gaming titles including: Escape from Tarkov, DayZ, PUBG, Star Citizen, and Siege to name a few. Come hang out, make new friends and enjoy your time with our united internationally supported gaming community!

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