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Events happening today

  1. 3

    October 24, 2019 03:00 PM      October 31, 2019 10:00 PM

    Starting right now, our Halloween event is underway  
    On October 31st (Halloween) one winner will be picked at random and one winner will be picked for best screenshot  
    I will have a list of video games up for grabs, will post those soon  
    You must post one and only one screenshot here, this screen shot must be in some way Halloween related. So take a screen shot of you wearing a costume, or take a screen shot of something spooky/scary or anything Halloween related (pumpkins, candy, costume, spooky, scary, etc) and then post it here.  
    You must post one screenshot to enter this contest  
    Deadline for posting screenshot is October 30th at midnight  
    Only reply to this post with your screen shot entry  
    Captains and higher rank not eligible for winning prize but still welcomed to post  
    What: UWS Division 2 Halloween Event
    When: Starting NOW and ending October 31st
    Where: Division 2
    Why: Because its Halloween plus every one likes contests and prizes
    How: Take one Halloween related screenshot and post it here, but only one screenshot!
    Winners will pick one of the following:

    Event details

    Community Calendar 113,897 Comments
  2. 10

    October 27, 2019 10:00 PM

    This event repeats every week on Sunday for 8 occurrences

    Tom Clancy's The Division 2
                'Double Raid Sunday'
    Operation Dark Hours, 8 Man Raid
    3:00pm EST, estimated time of 30 to 45mins
    The raid on Discovery mode, any and all players are welcomed to join! The game will require you to be world tier 5, gear score 490 and speak to the helicopter pilot at least once to join the raid but there is no restrictions to join. This is a great way to experience the raid with your clan, plus all loot drops at 500 gear score! We will help anyone that needs help getting to this point so they can raid with us, just let us know on TeamSpeak.  
    4:00pm EST, estimated time 1 to 2 hours
    The raid on normal mode, The game will require you to be world tier 5, gear score 490 and speak to the helicopter pilot at least once to join the raid. Since this is by far the most difficult thing in the entire game, we would like players joining us to be some what raid ready. This raid is no joke and only raid builds will have any chance of lasting more then a few seconds. To check to see if you are raid ready check with one of us @AgentSerro @Lionkiller73 @Bravo_20  
    Even if you don't have Division 2...
    Come join us on TeamSpeak to listen in on the raid! Even by listening you can hear first hand all about the raid in Division 2 as we will finish the discovery mode for sure but then you can hear how insanely difficult the normal mode is . Always tons of fun so stop on by and cheer us on... or laugh at all the chaos of us cannon fodder wearing tissue paper armor using AirSoft guns run for their dear lives as the first boss known as 'Boomer' smacks us around in bullet proof plated tank armor using a giant Minigun to mow us down like wet paper targets LoL  

    Event details

    Community Calendar 168 Comments

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United We Stand started in 2003 under the name Stars and Stripes. Our community has over 16 years of experience within the Battlefield franchise. Now, our community supports a diverse selection of gaming titles including: Escape from Tarkov, DayZ, PUBG, Star Citizen, and Siege to name a few. Come hang out, make new friends and enjoy your time with our united internationally supported gaming community!

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