Stary Sobor Callouts
Mil tents
Mil tent hill, Ghost tower (wooden scout tower on north side of the hill)
E box hill (has a lone electric vault on the hillside, and bushes around it)
Stary town (key buildings: piano W, medical SW, church C, market NW, barns NE, water tower NE)
Big red (large red industrial warehouse by mil tents)
Parking lot
West stary field
Kab knob
Kab hill
North stary field
South stary hill
Stary hill
Stary/Novy Callouts
These callouts don't really belong to either Stary or Novy
North hill
Middle bushes
Middle field
Creek bed
Dirt connector
Novy Sobor Callouts
Novy Barns, Novy Piano
Novy Finger (thin stretch of forest heading north out of Novy barns)
Novy half wall field
Novy town (key buildings: church W, police C, garages S)
Novy east treeline
Summer camp
East novy field
Powerline bushes
South old fields
North novy half walls
If you're like me, you may have been wondering wtf is e box hill. So, I made a map of the callout locations. If you want to add anything, or if you have a better callout than what's listed here, let us know.