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UWS PUBG Cash Prize Tournament (DUOs)

Community Calendar

Event details

This tournament will provide an opportunity for you and a partner to earn cash in a battle against other UWS members.

I will be hosting two separate tournaments, one on December 1  and another on December 2;  each tournament consists a total prize pool of $300 USD up for grabs.

Match Format:

  • 6 Games played on Custom Server
  • DUO (you must have a partner)
  • TPP and FPP (alternated between each match starting with TPP for match 1)
  • Sanhok Map
  • Match Settings - regular with the exception of a faster blue zone (1.5x)
  • Teams should be on TeamSpeak one hour before tournament to ensure team registration is complete; I like to start the tournament at 1PM EST

Prize Pool:

  • First Place - $150 USD
  • Second Place - $100 USD
  • Third Place - $50 USD

Rules for Registration:

  • Must be a UWS Member
  • Must be registered with the PUBG Division
  • Must be registered with the UWS Steam Group
  • Active within the UWS Community

How to Register Your Team:

Send PM to Raingod containing the following information

  1. Team Name (Optional)
  2. Forum Name and PUBG In-game name for each team member
  3. Tournaments days your team will participate; there is another tournament on December 2.

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Guest Ambudge


EGFR is concurrently overexpressed, and the EGFR signaling cascade is activated, resulting in migratory and invasive phenotypes in TAMR cells compared to MCF7 cells low dose tamoxifen

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Guest rarkasp


lasix effect on potassium Such that, the growth of cancer can be promoted by maintaining the survival of tumor cells that have been starved, or to degrade apoptotic mediators, through autophagy Su et al

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