Event created by AgentSerro
Event details
- Starting right now, our Halloween event is underway
- On October 31st (Halloween) one winner will be picked at random and one winner will be picked for best screenshot
- I will have a list of video games up for grabs, will post those soon
- You must post one and only one screenshot here, this screen shot must be in some way Halloween related. So take a screen shot of you wearing a costume, or take a screen shot of something spooky/scary or anything Halloween related (pumpkins, candy, costume, spooky, scary, etc) and then post it here.
- You must post one screenshot to enter this contest
- Deadline for posting screenshot is October 30th at midnight
- Only reply to this post with your screen shot entry
- Captains and higher rank not eligible for winning prize but still welcomed to post
What: UWS Division 2 Halloween Event
When: Starting NOW and ending October 31st
Where: Division 2
Why: Because its Halloween plus every one likes contests and prizes
How: Take one Halloween related screenshot and post it here, but only one screenshot!
Winners will pick one of the following:
United We Stand
United We Stand started in 2003 under the name Stars and Stripes. Our community has over 16 years of experience within the Battlefield franchise. Now, our community supports a diverse selection of gaming titles including: Escape from Tarkov, DayZ, PUBG, Star Citizen, and Siege to name a few. Come hang out, make new friends and enjoy your time with our united internationally supported gaming community!