Ingame Name: Dofen
GUID: STEAM_0:0:79045479
Ban Reason: "TS killing (dayZ)
Admin Name: Dullkn1fe
What Server: Teamspeak, DayZ
Ban Length: Permanent
Date/Time of Ban (For log checking purposes): 10-11-16, 8:30pm(ish) EST
Your account of what occurred: I joined the DayZ channel to talk with some people while I played. At the time, I was playing on the Gents of Novo DayZ Server. I was talking to a couple of people in the channel and we were just talking about some random game related stuff (Status effects, hunger, etc.) I asked them If I could squad up with them once I log in to SAS, and they said yes. At some point, one of the players was killed in-game and I logged in to try and help them out. They accused me of meta-gaming and teamkilling the player in the channel. I was not sent any messages or asked any questions about the incident. I just received a permanent ban. I did not kill anyone in the teamspeak channel, and was not near the other members of the channel at the time. I would like to appeal my ban.