Event created by SgtSquirrel34
Event details
Happy (early) Easter UWS Tenno!
Come to the dojo on the 21st and get ready to search for floofs!
Spawn into the dojo and get your best searching goggles on because there's going to be more than a couple floofs to be found in the main hall and research labs!
To win:
Scour the main hall (spawn room) in the dojo and the four surrounding research labs to find all the floofs!
PM either me @SgtSquirrel34 or @EbbCubed Screenshots of all the floofs you find by logging into the forums, and clicking the little envelope at the top of the screen.
You will get points for each floof you find, there will be 3 tiers of floofs you can find in each room.
Tier 1: Pretty easy to find floof: 1 point
Tier 2: Pretty hidden floof: 3 points
Tier 3: Well hidden floof: 5 points
There will be 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prizes as follows:
1st place: 25 platinum
2nd place: 15 platinum
3rd place: 10 platinum
If you simply participate you will get 5 platinum too!
Happy Hunting!
United We Stand
United We Stand started in 2003 under the name Stars and Stripes. Our community has over 16 years of experience within the Battlefield franchise. Now, our community supports a diverse selection of gaming titles including: Escape from Tarkov, DayZ, PUBG, Star Citizen, and Siege to name a few. Come hang out, make new friends and enjoy your time with our united internationally supported gaming community!